Informationen zum Fonds
Name Vanguard Global Small-Cap Index USD Acc
ISIN des Fonds IE00B42LF923
ISINs weiterer Anteilsklassen
Typ des Fonds Aktien
Fondsmanagement Vanguard Group (Ireland) Limited
Klassifizierung nach SFDR (lt. Lipper) 6
Abrufdatum 16.12.2024
Portfolio-Datum 30.09.2024
Anzahl Einzelpositionen 4.085
Gesamtvolumen des Fonds (in Mio €) 4.948,22
Gesamthöhe kontroverser Unternehmensbeteiligungen
Kontroverse Beteiligungen
ISIN Einzelposition im Fonds Unternehmen Konflikte Gewichtung im Fonds
US6680743050 NorthWestern Energy Group Inc ORD NorthWestern Corp 0.04%
CA66987E2069 NovaGold Resources Inc ORD NOVAGOLD Resources Inc 0.01%
CA67072Q1046 Nuvista Energy Ltd ORD NuVista Energy Ltd 0.02%
CA6744822033 Obsidian Energy Ltd ORD Obsidian Energy Ltd 0.00%
US6708371033 OGE Energy Corp ORD OGE Energy Corp 0.10%
JP3174410005 Oji Holdings Corp ORD Oji Holdings Corp 0.04%
JP3194700005 Okinawa Electric Power Co Inc ORD Okinawa Electric Power Co Inc 0.00%
IL0011415713 OPC Energy Ltd ORD Court Investments Ltd 0.01%
US6882392011 Oshkosh Corp ORD Oshkosh Corp. 0.08%
US6896481032 Otter Tail Corp ORD Otter Tail Corp 0.04%
CA6993202069 Paramount Resources Ltd ORD Paramount Resources Ltd 0.02%
CA69946Q1046 Parex Resources Inc ORD Parex Resources Inc 0.01%
US69318G1067 PBF Energy Inc ORD PBF Energy 0.04%
US7045511000 Peabody Energy Corp ORD Peabody Energy Corp 0.04%
US71424F1057 Permian Resources Corp ORD Permian Resources Corporation 0.09%
CA7170461064 Peyto Exploration & Development Corp ORD Peyto Exploration and Development Corp 0.03%
US7234841010 Pinnacle West Capital Corp ORD Pinnacle West Capital Corp 0.12%
US7365088472 Portland General Electric Co ORD Portland General Electric Co 0.06%
ES0175438003 Prosegur Compania de Seguridad SA ORD Prosegur Cia de Seguridad SA 0.00%
US6936561009 PVH Corp ORD PVH 0.07%
GB00B0WMWD03 QinetiQ Group PLC ORD QinetiQ 0.04%
US7512121010 Ralph Lauren Corp ORD Ralph Lauren Corporation 0.10%
US75134P6007 Ramaco Resources Inc ORD Ramaco Resources Inc 0.00%
US75281A1097 Range Resources Corp ORD Range Resources Corporation 0.09%
JP3311600005 Saibu Gas Holdings Co Ltd ORD Saibu Gas Holdings Co Ltd 0.00%
US80007P8692 SandRidge Energy Inc ORD SandRidge Energy Inc 0.00%
DK0060696300 Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S ORD Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S 0.01%
US8086251076 Science Applications International Corp ORD Science Applications International Corp. 0.09%
GB00B0CY5V57 Serica Energy PLC ORD Serica Energy plc 0.01%
IL0011338758 Shapir Engineering and Industry Ltd ORD Shapir Engineering and Industry Ltd 0.01%
JP3350800003 Shikoku Electric Power Co Inc ORD Shikoku Electric Power Co Inc 0.02%
IL0010819428 Shikun & Binui Ltd ORD Shikun & Binui Ltd 0.01%
US8305661055 Skechers USA Inc ORD Skechers USA Inc. 0.11%
US78454L1008 SM Energy Co ORD SM Energy Company 0.06%
JP3663900003 Sojitz Corp ORD Sojitz Corporation 0.06%
US8454671095 Southwestern Energy Co ORD Southwestern Energy Company 0.10%
CA84678A5089 Spartan Delta Corp ORD Spartan Delta Corp 0.01%
SE0000171100 SSAB AB ORD SSAB AB 0.01%
AU000000SMR4 Stanmore Resources Ltd ORD PT Sinar Mas 0.01%
JP3400750000 Sumiseki Holdings Inc ORD Sumiseki Holdings Co Ltd 0.00%
JP3401400001 Sumitomo Chemical Co Ltd ORD Sumitomo Chemical 0.05%
JP3409800004 Sumitomo Forestry Co Ltd ORD Sumitomo Forestry 0.09%
US87484T1088 Talos Energy Inc ORD Talos Energy Inc 0.02%
CA87505Y4094 Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd ORD Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd 0.02%
US8760301072 Tapestry Inc ORD Tapestry 0.13%
US87968A1043 Tellurian Inc ORD Tellurian Inc 0.01%
BE0003555639 Tessenderlo Group NV ORD Tessenderlo Group NV 0.01%
DE0007500001 thyssenkrupp AG ORD ThyssenKrupp AG 0.02%
US88688T1007 Tilray Brands Inc ORD Tilray Brands Inc 0.02%
JP3605400005 Tohoku Electric Power Co Inc ORD Tohoku Electric Power Co Inc 0.05%

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Außerdem: Die Zusammensetzung der Fonds kann sich seit unserer letzten Aktualisierung verändert haben. Bitte beachten Sie dazu das jeweilige Portfolio-Datum!

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