Name | iShares Oil & Gas Exploratn & Prod UCITS ETF USD A |
ISIN des Fonds | IE00B6R51Z18 |
Typ des Fonds | ETF (Aktien) |
Fondsmanagement | BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Ltd |
Klassifizierung nach SFDR (lt. Lipper) | 6 |
Abrufdatum | 16.12.2024 |
Portfolio-Datum | 30.11.2024 |
Anzahl Einzelpositionen | 80 |
Gesamtvolumen des Fonds (in Mio €) | 301,84 |
Gesamthöhe kontroverser Unternehmensbeteiligungen |
ISIN | Einzelposition im Fonds | Unternehmen | Konflikte | Gewichtung im Fonds |
CA00791P1071 | Advantage Energy Ltd ORD | Advantage Energy Ltd | 0.16% | |
NO0010345853 | Aker BP ASA ORD | Aker BP ASA | 0.98% | |
US03674X1063 | Antero Resources Corp ORD | Antero Resources Corporation | 1.48% | |
US03743Q1085 | APA Corp (US) ORD | APA Corporation | 1.30% | |
CA00208D4084 | ARC Resources Ltd ORD | ARC Resources Ltd | 1.71% | |
CA04682R1073 | Athabasca Oil Corp ORD | Athabasca Oil Corporation | 0.31% | |
CA07317Q1054 | Baytex Energy Corp ORD | Baytex Energy Corp | 0.31% | |
AU000000BPT9 | Beach Energy Ltd ORD | Beach Energy Ltd | 0.20% | |
CA0906971035 | Birchcliff Energy Ltd ORD | Birchcliff Energy Ltd | 0.15% | |
US13057Q3056 | California Resources Corp ORD | California Resources Corporation | 0.64% | |
CA1363851017 | Canadian Natural Resources Ltd ORD | Canadian Natural Resources Ltd (CNRL) | 9.39% | |
US6742152076 | Chord Energy Corp ORD | Chord Energy Corporation | 1.22% | |
US17888H1032 | Civitas Resources Inc ORD | Civitas Resources Inc | 0.73% | |
US12653C1080 | CNX Resources Corp ORD | CNX Resources Corporation | 0.95% | |
US2057683029 | Comstock Resources Inc ORD | Comstock Resources Inc | 0.22% | |
US20825C1045 | ConocoPhillips ORD | ConocoPhillips | 10.60% | |
US1270971039 | Coterra Energy Inc ORD | Coterra Energy Inc | 3.06% | |
IL0010841281 | Delek Group Ltd ORD | Delek Group Ltd | 0.20% | |
US25179M1036 | Devon Energy Corp ORD | Devon Energy Corporation | 3.68% | |
US25278X1090 | Diamondback Energy Inc ORD | Diamondback Energy Inc | 5.15% | |
GB00BG12Y042 | Energean PLC ORD | Energean plc | 0.28% | |
US26875P1012 | EOG Resources Inc ORD | EOG Resources Inc | 10.10% | |
US26884L1098 | EQT Corp ORD | EQT Corporation | 4.18% | |
US1651677353 | Expand Energy Corp ORD | Chesapeake Energy Corporation | 3.16% | |
US4026355028 | Gulfport Energy Corp ORD | Gulfport Energy Corporation | 0.35% | |
GB00BMBVGQ36 | Harbour Energy PLC ORD | Harbour Energy plc | 0.30% | |
CA4220961078 | Headwater Exploration Inc ORD | Headwater Exploration Inc | 0.16% | |
US42809H1077 | Hess Corp ORD | Hess Corporation | 6.30% | |
JP3294460005 | Inpex Corp ORD | INPEX Corporation | 1.97% | |
CA46016U1084 | International Petroleum Corp ORD | International Petroleum Corporation (IPC) | 0.14% | |
JP3421100003 | Japan Petroleum Exploration Co Ltd ORD | Japan Petroleum Exploration Co Ltd (JAPEX) | 0.19% | |
US5006881065 | Kosmos Energy Ltd ORD | Kosmos Energy Ltd | 0.29% | |
US5596631094 | Magnolia Oil & Gas Corp ORD | Magnolia Oil & Gas Corporation | 0.81% | |
US5764852050 | Matador Resources Co ORD | Matador Resources Company | 1.08% | |
CA5527041084 | MEG Energy Corp ORD | MEG Energy Corp | 0.75% | |
US6267171022 | Murphy Oil Corp ORD | Murphy Oil Corporation | 0.71% | |
US6655313079 | Northern Oil and Gas Inc ORD | Northern Oil and Gas Inc | 0.67% | |
CA67072Q1046 | Nuvista Energy Ltd ORD | NuVista Energy Ltd | 0.25% | |
US69047Q1022 | Ovintiv Inc ORD | Ovintiv Inc | 1.86% | |
CA6993202069 | Paramount Resources Ltd ORD | Paramount Resources Ltd | 0.28% | |
CA69946Q1046 | Parex Resources Inc ORD | Parex Resources Inc | 0.17% | |
US71424F1057 | Permian Resources Corp ORD | Permian Resources Corporation | 1.54% | |
CA7170461064 | Peyto Exploration & Development Corp ORD | Peyto Exploration and Development Corp | 0.36% | |
US75281A1097 | Range Resources Corp ORD | Range Resources Corporation | 1.34% | |
AU000000STO6 | Santos Ltd ORD | Santos Ltd | 2.16% | |
US78454L1008 | SM Energy Co ORD | SM Energy Company | 0.80% | |
US87484T1088 | Talos Energy Inc ORD | Talos Energy Inc | 0.22% | |
CA87505Y4094 | Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd ORD | Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd | 0.25% | |
CA89156V1067 | Tourmaline Oil Corp (Alberta) ORD | Tourmaline Oil Corp | 2.55% | |
BMG9231L1081 | United Energy Group Ltd ORD | United Energy Group Ltd | 0.05% |
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