Informationen zum Fonds
Name AB FCP I-American Income Portfolio C USD
ISIN des Fonds LU0044958022
ISINs weiterer Anteilsklassen
  • LU0044957727
  • LU0232525203
  • LU0249548461
Typ des Fonds Anleihen
Fondsmanagement AllianceBernstein (Luxembourg) S.a r.l.
Anlageberater AllianceBernstein LP
Kategorie ESG-Fonds (lt. Lipper)
Klassifizierung nach SFDR (lt. Lipper) 8
Abrufdatum 16.12.2024
Portfolio-Datum 31.10.2024
Anzahl Einzelpositionen 1.410
Gesamtvolumen des Fonds (in Mio €) 26.141,84
Gesamthöhe kontroverser Unternehmensbeteiligungen
Kontroverse Beteiligungen
ISIN Einzelposition im Fonds Unternehmen Konflikte Gewichtung im Fonds
XS2109438205 Adani Electricity Mumbai Ltd 3.949% 12-FEB-2030 Adani Group 0.03%
XS1636266832 Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Ltd 4% 30-JUL-2027 Adani Group 0.10%
USY00130VS35 Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Ltd 4.2% 04-AUG-2027 Adani Group 0.02%
USY00130RP42 Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Ltd 4.375% 03-JUL-2029 Adani Group 0.03%
USP01703AD22 Alpek SAB de CV 25-FEB-2031 Alpek SAB de CV 0.05%
USP01703AC49 Alpek SAB de CV 4.25% 18-SEP-2029 Alpek SAB de CV 0.04%
US02209SBL60 Altria Group Inc 2.45% 04-FEB-2032 Altria Group Inc. 0.04%
US02209SBD45 Altria Group Inc 4.8% 14-FEB-2029 Altria Group Inc. 0.09%
US02352BAA35 Amentum Holdings Inc 7.25% 01-AUG-2032 Amentum Services Inc 0.02%
US025537BA89 American Electric Power Company Inc 6.95% 15-DEC-2054 American Electric Power Company Inc (AEP) 0.06%
US08580BAA44 Berry Petroleum Company LLC 7% 15-FEB-2026 Berry Corporation (bry) 0.01%
US097023DB86 Boeing Co 3.25% 01-FEB-2028 Boeing Co. 0.06%
US097023DC69 Boeing Co 3.625% 01-FEB-2031 Boeing Co. 0.05%
US097023CY98 Boeing Co 5.15% 01-MAY-2030 Boeing Co. 0.07%
US097023DJ13 Boeing Co 6.298% 01-MAY-2029 Boeing Co. 0.10%
US097023DL68 Boeing Co 6.528% 01-MAY-2034 Boeing Co. 0.13%
US118230AQ44 Buckeye Partners LP 3.95% 01-DEC-2026 IFM Investors Pty Ltd 0.05%
US118230AT82 Buckeye Partners LP 4.125% 01-MAR-2025 IFM Investors Pty Ltd 0.01%
US118230AU55 Buckeye Partners LP 4.5% 01-MAR-2028 IFM Investors Pty Ltd 0.00%
US118230AV39 Buckeye Partners LP 6.875% 01-JUL-2029 IFM Investors Pty Ltd 0.07%
US131347CM64 Calpine Corp 4.5% 15-FEB-2028 Calpine Corporation 0.00%
US134808AD63 Canacol Energy Ltd (Alberta) 5.75% 24-NOV-2028 Canacol Energy Ltd 0.01%
USU13518AC64 Canacol Energy Ltd (Alberta) 5.75% 24-NOV-2028 Canacol Energy Ltd 0.02%
USP2253TJR16 Cemex SAB de CV 3.875% 11-JUL-2031 Cemex SAB de CV 0.01%
USP2253TJS98 Cemex SAB de CV 5.125% 08-JUN-2049 Cemex SAB de CV 0.08%
USP2205JAT71 Cencosud SA 5.95% 28-MAY-2031 Cencosud 0.05%
US15135UAF66 Cenovus Energy Inc 6.75% 15-NOV-2039 Cenovus Energy Inc 0.00%
US16411QAG64 Cheniere Energy Partners LP 4.5% 01-OCT-2029 Cheniere Energy Inc 0.01%
US12653CAJ71 CNX Resources Corp 15-JAN-2029 CNX Resources Corporation 0.07%
US12653CAK45 CNX Resources Corp 15-JAN-2031 CNX Resources Corporation 0.00%
US12653CAL28 CNX Resources Corp 7.25% 01-MAR-2032 CNX Resources Corporation 0.06%
USP29595AD08 Comision Federal De Electricidad EPE 3.348% 09-FEB-2031 Comision Federal de Electricidad EPE (CFE) 0.06%
US212015AV31 Continental Resources Inc 2.875% 01-APR-2032 Continental Resources Inc 0.01%
US212015AT84 Continental Resources Inc 5.75% 15-JAN-2031 Continental Resources Inc 0.21%
US279158AP43 Ecopetrol SA 4.625% 02-NOV-2031 Ecopetrol SA 0.04%
US279158AN94 Ecopetrol SA 6.875% 29-APR-2030 Ecopetrol SA 0.07%
US279158AT64 Ecopetrol SA 8.625% 19-JAN-2029 Ecopetrol SA 0.13%
US28504KAA51 Electricite De France 9.125% Electricite de France SA (EDF Group) 0.03%
US29278DAA37 Enel Chile SA 4.875% 12-JUN-2028 Enel SpA 0.05%
US29273RBC25 Energy Transfer LP 8.25% 15-NOV-2029 Energy Transfer LP 0.05%
US29336TAD28 EnLink Midstream LLC 01-SEP-2030 Enlink Midstream LLC 0.09%
US29336TAC45 EnLink Midstream LLC 5.625% 15-JAN-2028 Enlink Midstream LLC 0.04%
US29336UAD90 EnLink Midstream Partners LP 5.05% 01-APR-2045 Enlink Midstream LLC 0.04%
US29336UAG22 EnLink Midstream Partners LP 5.45% 01-JUN-2047 Enlink Midstream LLC 0.03%
US29336UAC18 EnLink Midstream Partners LP 5.6% 01-APR-2044 Enlink Midstream LLC 0.01%
XS1187065443 Eskom Holdings Soc Ltd 7.125% 11-FEB-2025 Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd 0.13%
US30251GBC06 FMG Resources (August 2006) Pty Ltd 01-APR-2031 Fortescue Ltd 0.04%
US30251GBA40 FMG Resources (August 2006) Pty Ltd 4.5% 15-SEP-2027 Fortescue Ltd 0.03%
US37045VAF76 General Motors Co 6.25% 02-OCT-2043 General Motors Co. 0.03%
US37185LAM46 Genesis Energy LP 15-JAN-2027 Genesis Energy LP 0.06%

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Wir möchten auch noch einmal darauf hinweisen, dass insbesondere Fonds, deren Belastung mit 0% angegeben ist, dennoch in kontroverse Unternehmen investiert sein können, die unsere Quellen derzeit nicht abdecken.
Außerdem: Die Zusammensetzung der Fonds kann sich seit unserer letzten Aktualisierung verändert haben. Bitte beachten Sie dazu das jeweilige Portfolio-Datum!

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