Name | PIMCO GIS US High Yield Bond E Cl USD Acc |
ISIN des Fonds | IE00B11XZ871 |
ISINs weiterer Anteilsklassen |
ISINs ausklappen
ISINs einklappen
Typ des Fonds | Anleihen |
Fondsmanagement | PIMCO Global Advisors (Ireland) Ltd |
Klassifizierung nach SFDR (lt. Lipper) | 6 |
Abrufdatum | 16.12.2024 |
Portfolio-Datum | 30.06.2024 |
Anzahl Einzelpositionen | 2.336 |
Gesamthöhe kontroverser Unternehmensbeteiligungen |
ISIN | Einzelposition im Fonds | Unternehmen | Konflikte | Gewichtung im Fonds |
USY00130VS35 | Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Ltd 4.2% 04-AUG-2027 | Adani Group | 0.00% | |
USY00130RP42 | Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Ltd 4.375% 03-JUL-2029 | Adani Group | 0.00% | |
USY70902AB04 | Adaro Indonesia PT 4.25% 31-OCT-2024 | PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk | 0.00% | |
US02557TAD19 | American Electric Power Company Inc 5.699% 15-AUG-2025 | American Electric Power Company Inc (AEP) | 0.00% | |
US097023BJ31 | Boeing Co 2.5% 01-MAR-2025 | Boeing Co. | 0.00% | |
US118230AT82 | Buckeye Partners LP 4.125% 01-MAR-2025 | IFM Investors Pty Ltd | 0.08% | |
USY71300AB67 | Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama PT 7.75% 10-FEB-2026 | PT Delta Dunia Makmur Tbk | 0.00% | |
US131347CR51 | Calpine Corp 3.75% 01-MAR-2031 | Calpine Corporation | 0.42% | |
US131347CM64 | Calpine Corp 4.5% 15-FEB-2028 | Calpine Corporation | 0.14% | |
US131347CQ78 | Calpine Corp 5% 01-FEB-2031 | Calpine Corporation | 0.13% | |
US131347CN48 | Calpine Corp 5.125% 15-MAR-2028 | Calpine Corporation | 0.23% | |
US134429BA64 | Campbell's Co 3.3% 19-MAR-2025 | Campbell Soup Co | 0.00% | |
US134429BF51 | Campbell's Co 3.95% 15-MAR-2025 | Campbell Soup Co | 0.00% | |
USN5276YAD87 | Cikarang Listrindo Tbk PT 4.95% 14-SEP-2026 | PT Cikarang Listrindo Tbk | 0.00% | |
US12653CAL28 | CNX Resources Corp 7.25% 01-MAR-2032 | CNX Resources Corporation | 0.11% | |
US205768AT12 | Comstock Resources Inc 15-JAN-2030 | Comstock Resources Inc | 0.09% | |
US222070AE41 | Coty Inc 15-APR-2026 | Coty Inc | 0.06% | |
XS2829201404 | Coty Inc 4.5% 15-MAY-2027 | Coty Inc | 0.00% | |
XS2688529135 | Coty Inc 5.75% 15-SEP-2028 | Coty Inc | 0.00% | |
US22207AAA07 | Coty Inc 6.625% 15-JUL-2030 | Coty Inc | 0.12% | |
US25746UDE64 | Dominion Energy Inc 3.3% 15-MAR-2025 | Dominion Energy Inc | 0.00% | |
US233331BD84 | DTE Energy Co 4.22% 01-NOV-2024 | DTE Energy Co | 0.00% | |
US279158AJ82 | Ecopetrol SA 5.875% 28-MAY-2045 | Ecopetrol SA | 0.00% | |
FR0011697028 | Electricite De France 5% 01-JAN-4000 | Electricite de France SA (EDF Group) | 0.00% | |
FR0011401751 | Electricite De France 5.375% 01-JAN-4000 | Electricite de France SA (EDF Group) | 0.00% | |
FR0011401728 | Electricite De France 6% 01-JAN-4000 | Electricite de France SA (EDF Group) | 0.01% | |
US28504KAA51 | Electricite De France 9.125% | Electricite de France SA (EDF Group) | 0.00% | |
IL0011971442 | Energean Israel Finance Ltd 8.5% 30-SEP-2033 | Energean plc | 0.01% | |
US29278NAP87 | Energy Transfer LP 2.9% 15-MAY-2025 | Energy Transfer LP | 0.00% | |
US29273RBD08 | Energy Transfer LP 4.05% 15-MAR-2025 | Energy Transfer LP | 0.01% | |
US29364WBK36 | Entergy Louisiana LLC .95% 01-OCT-2024 | Entergy Corporation | 0.00% | |
XS2034622048 | EP Infrastructure as 1.698% 30-JUL-2026 | EP Investment Sarl | 0.01% | |
US845467AS85 | Expand Energy Corp 5.375% 15-MAR-2030 | Southwestern Energy Company | 0.12% | |
US92735LAA08 | Expand Energy Corp 6.75% 15-APR-2029 | Chesapeake Energy Corporation | 0.18% | |
US337932AK39 | FirstEnergy Corp 2.05% 01-MAR-2025 | FirstEnergy Corp | 0.00% | |
US364760AP35 | Gap Inc 01-OCT-2029 | Gap | 0.46% | |
US364760AQ18 | Gap Inc 3.875% 01-OCT-2031 | Gap | 0.14% | |
US370334CF96 | General Mills Inc 4% 17-APR-2025 | General Mills Inc. | 0.00% | |
US37185LAM46 | Genesis Energy LP 15-JAN-2027 | Genesis Energy LP | 0.15% | |
US37185LAQ59 | Genesis Energy LP 7.875% 15-MAY-2032 | Genesis Energy LP | 0.09% | |
US373334KU42 | Georgia Power Co 5.36383% 08-MAY-2025 | The Southern Company | 0.00% | |
US411618AB75 | Harbour Energy PLC 15-OCT-2026 | Harbour Energy plc | 0.22% | |
US446413AS53 | Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc 3.844% 01-MAY-2025 | HII | 0.00% | |
USY71247AA15 | Indika Energy Tbk PT 8.75% 07-MAY-2029 | PT Indika Energy Tbk | 0.00% | |
US832696AK43 | J M Smucker Co 3.5% 15-MAR-2025 | JM Smucker | 0.00% | |
XS2647856348 | LG Chem Ltd 1.25% 18-JUL-2028 | LG Chem | 0.00% | |
US644393AB64 | New Fortress Energy Inc 30-SEP-2026 | New Fortress Energy Inc | 0.13% | |
US644393AC48 | New Fortress Energy Inc 8.75% 15-MAR-2029 | New Fortress Energy Inc | 0.07% | |
US65339KBP49 | NextEra Energy Capital Holdings Inc 6.051% 01-MAR-2025 | NextEra Energy Inc | 0.01% | |
US15138AAA88 | Permian Resources Operating LLC 5.375% 15-JAN-2026 | Permian Resources Corporation | 0.17% |
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