Informationen zum Fonds
Name iShares $ Short Dur Corp Bd UCITS ETF USD Dist
ISIN des Fonds IE00BCRY5Y77
ISINs weiterer Anteilsklassen
  • IE00BYXYYP94
Typ des Fonds ETF (Anleihen)
Fondsmanagement BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Ltd
Klassifizierung nach SFDR (lt. Lipper) 6
Abrufdatum 16.12.2024
Portfolio-Datum 30.11.2024
Anzahl Einzelpositionen 2.682
Gesamtvolumen des Fonds (in Mio €) 6.405,21
Gesamthöhe kontroverser Unternehmensbeteiligungen
Kontroverse Beteiligungen
ISIN Einzelposition im Fonds Unternehmen Konflikte Gewichtung im Fonds
US842587DQ78 Southern Co 4.85% 15-JUN-2028 The Southern Company 0.03%
US842587DM64 Southern Co 5.15% 06-OCT-2025 The Southern Company 0.03%
US842587DS35 Southern Co 5.5% 15-MAR-2029 The Southern Company 0.03%
US845437BS08 Southwestern Electric Power Co 1.65% 15-MAR-2026 American Electric Power Company Inc (AEP) 0.02%
US845437BR25 Southwestern Electric Power Co 4.1% 15-SEP-2028 American Electric Power Company Inc (AEP) 0.02%
US855244BE89 Starbucks Corp 15-FEB-2026 Starbucks 0.03%
US855244AV14 Starbucks Corp 2% 12-MAR-2027 Starbucks 0.01%
US855244AK58 Starbucks Corp 2.45% 15-JUN-2026 Starbucks 0.01%
US855244AP46 Starbucks Corp 3.5% 01-MAR-2028 Starbucks 0.02%
US855244AT67 Starbucks Corp 3.55% 15-AUG-2029 Starbucks 0.03%
US855244AQ29 Starbucks Corp 3.8% 15-AUG-2025 Starbucks 0.03%
US855244AR02 Starbucks Corp 4% 15-NOV-2028 Starbucks 0.03%
US855244BG38 Starbucks Corp 4.85% 08-FEB-2027 Starbucks 0.03%
US871829BF39 Sysco Corp 3.25% 15-JUL-2027 Sysco 0.02%
US871829BC08 Sysco Corp 3.3% 15-JUL-2026 Sysco 0.04%
US871829AZ02 Sysco Corp 3.75% 01-OCT-2025 Sysco 0.04%
US871829BS59 Sysco Corp 5.75% 17-JAN-2029 Sysco 0.02%
US87612EBL92 Target Corp 2.25% 15-APR-2025 Target Corporation 0.06%
US87612EBE59 Target Corp 2.5% 15-APR-2026 Target Corporation 0.03%
US87612EBH80 Target Corp 3.375% 15-APR-2029 Target Corporation 0.03%
US882508BH65 Texas Instruments Inc 1.375% 12-MAR-2025 Texas Instruments 0.02%
US882508BV59 Texas Instruments Inc 15-FEB-2028 Texas Instruments 0.02%
US882508BK94 Texas Instruments Inc 15-SEP-2026 Texas Instruments 0.01%
US882508BG82 Texas Instruments Inc 2.25% 04-SEP-2029 Texas Instruments 0.02%
US882508BC78 Texas Instruments Inc 2.9% 03-NOV-2027 Texas Instruments 0.01%
US882508CE26 Texas Instruments Inc 4.6% 08-FEB-2027 Texas Instruments 0.02%
US882508CG73 Texas Instruments Inc 4.6% 08-FEB-2029 Texas Instruments 0.02%
US438516CE43 Textron Inc 01-MAR-2027 Honeywell International Inc. 0.04%
US438516CB04 Textron Inc 1.35% 01-JUN-2025 Honeywell International Inc. 0.05%
US438516CJ30 Textron Inc 15-FEB-2028 Honeywell International Inc. 0.02%
US438516BL94 Textron Inc 2.5% 01-NOV-2026 Honeywell International Inc. 0.03%
US438516BU93 Textron Inc 2.7% 15-AUG-2029 Honeywell International Inc. 0.02%
US438516CL85 Textron Inc 4.25% 15-JAN-2029 Honeywell International Inc. 0.03%
US438516CX24 Textron Inc 4.65% 30-JUL-2027 Honeywell International Inc. 0.03%
US438516CQ72 Textron Inc 4.875% 01-SEP-2029 Honeywell International Inc. 0.02%
US89152UAH59 Totalenergies Capital 3.883% 11-OCT-2028 TotalEnergies SE 0.03%
US89153VAS88 TotalEnergies Capital International SA 2.434% 10-JAN-2025 TotalEnergies SE 0.05%
US89153VAQ23 TotalEnergies Capital International SA 3.455% 19-FEB-2029 TotalEnergies SE 0.04%
US892331AG44 Toyota Motor Corp 2.76% 02-JUL-2029 Toyota Motor Corporation 0.02%
US892331AM12 Toyota Motor Corp 25-MAR-2026 Toyota Motor Corporation 0.05%
US892331AD13 Toyota Motor Corp 3.669% 20-JUL-2028 Toyota Motor Corporation 0.02%
US892331AQ26 Toyota Motor Corp 5.118% 13-JUL-2028 Toyota Motor Corporation 0.02%
US892331AP43 Toyota Motor Corp 5.275% 13-JUL-2026 Toyota Motor Corporation 0.02%
US89352HAW97 Transcanada Pipelines Ltd 4.25% 15-MAY-2028 TC Energy Corporation 0.05%
US89352HAT68 Transcanada Pipelines Ltd 4.875% 15-JAN-2026 TC Energy Corporation 0.03%
US902494BC62 Tyson Foods Inc 3.55% 02-JUN-2027 Tyson Foods Inc. 0.04%
US902494BJ16 Tyson Foods Inc 4% 01-MAR-2026 Tyson Foods Inc. 0.05%
US902494BK88 Tyson Foods Inc 4.35% 01-MAR-2029 Tyson Foods Inc. 0.04%
US902494BL61 Tyson Foods Inc 5.4% 15-MAR-2029 Tyson Foods Inc. 0.02%
US91913YBB56 Valero Energy Corp 2.15% 15-SEP-2027 Valero Energy Corporation 0.02%

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Wir möchten auch noch einmal darauf hinweisen, dass insbesondere Fonds, deren Belastung mit 0% angegeben ist, dennoch in kontroverse Unternehmen investiert sein können, die unsere Quellen derzeit nicht abdecken.
Außerdem: Die Zusammensetzung der Fonds kann sich seit unserer letzten Aktualisierung verändert haben. Bitte beachten Sie dazu das jeweilige Portfolio-Datum!

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