Informationen zum Fonds
ISIN des Fonds IE00BKM4GZ66
ISINs weiterer Anteilsklassen
  • IE00BD45KH83
Typ des Fonds ETF (Aktien)
Fondsmanagement BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Ltd
Klassifizierung nach SFDR (lt. Lipper) 6
Abrufdatum 16.12.2024
Portfolio-Datum 30.11.2024
Anzahl Einzelpositionen 3.269
Gesamtvolumen des Fonds (in Mio €) 22.029,11
Gesamthöhe kontroverser Unternehmensbeteiligungen
Kontroverse Beteiligungen
ISIN Einzelposition im Fonds Unternehmen Konflikte Gewichtung im Fonds
KR700088K015 Hanwha Corp ORD Hanwha Aerospace Co. Ltd. 0.00%
KR7042660001 Hanwha Ocean Co Ltd ORD Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering 0.02%
KR7009830001 Hanwha Solutions Corp ORD Hanwha Chemical 0.01%
CNE1000003C0 Harbin Electric Co Ltd ORD Harbin Electric Corporation 0.00%
ID1000116601 Harum Energy Tbk PT ORD PT Harum Energy Tbk 0.00%
KR7267250009 HD Hyundai Co Ltd ORD HD Hyundai Co Ltd 0.03%
KR7329180004 HD Hyundai Heavy Industries Co Ltd ORD Hyundai Heavy Industries 0.04%
KR7009540006 HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering Co Ltd ORD Hyundai Heavy Industries 0.07%
GRS298343005 HELLENiQ ENERGY Holdings SA ORD HELLENiQ ENERGY Holdings SA 0.01%
CNE000001097 Henan Shenhuo Coal & Power Co Ltd ORD Henan Shenhuo Coal & Power Co Ltd 0.01%
MYL5199OO004 Hibiscus Petroleum Bhd ORD Hibiscus Petroleum Bhd 0.00%
INE038A01020 Hindalco Industries Ltd ORD Hindalco Industries Ltd 0.11%
INE094A01015 Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd ORD Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd (ONGC) 0.05%
TW0002317005 Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd ORD Hon Hai Precision Industry (Foxconn) 0.84%
ZAE000003257 Hosken Consolidated Investments Ltd ORD Hosken Consolidated Investments Ltd 0.00%
BMG4639H1227 Huabao International Holdings Ltd ORD Huabao International Holdings Ltd. 0.00%
CNE000001LJ2 Huadian Power International Corp Ltd ORD Huadian Power International Co Ltd 0.00%
CNE000001HH4 Huaibei Mining Holdings Co Ltd ORD Huaibei Mining Group Co 0.00%
CNE000001998 Huaneng Power International Inc ORD Huaneng Power International Inc 0.01%
CNE1000006Z4 Huaneng Power International Inc ORD Huaneng Power International Inc 0.02%
KR7000720003 Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co Ltd ORD Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co Ltd 0.02%
KR7005381009 Hyundai Motor Co Hyundai Motor Company 0.03%
KR7005382007 Hyundai Motor Co Hyundai Motor Company 0.05%
KR7005380001 Hyundai Motor Co ORD Hyundai Motor Company 0.24%
INE242A01010 Indian Oil Corporation Ltd ORD Indian Oil Corporation Ltd 0.05%
ID1000110901 Indika Energy Tbk PT ORD PT Indika Energy Tbk 0.00%
ID1000108509 Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk PT ORD Banpu Public Co Ltd 0.01%
CNE100000098 Inner Mongolia Dian Tou Energy Corp Ltd ORD Inner Mongolia Dian Tou Energy Co Ltd 0.00%
CNE1000010F8 Inner Mongolia Junzheng Energy & Chemical Group Co Ltd ORD Inner Mongolia Junzheng Energy & Chemical Group Co Ltd 0.00%
CNE000000SK7 Inner Mongolia Yitai Coal Co Ltd ORD Inner Mongolia Yitai Coal Co Ltd 0.03%
INE154A01025 ITC Ltd ORD ITC Ltd. 0.19%
INE823G01014 J K Cement Ltd ORD JK Cement Ltd 0.02%
INE351F01018 Jaiprakash Power Ventures Ltd ORD Jaiprakash Power Ventures Ltd 0.01%
PLJSW0000015 Jastrzebska Spolka Weglowa SA ORD Jastrzebska Spolka Weglowa SA 0.00%
PHY444251177 JG Summit Holdings Inc ORD JG Summit Holdings Inc 0.01%
INE749A01030 Jindal Steel And Power Ltd ORD Jindal Steel & Power Ltd 0.05%
INE121E01018 JSW Energy Ltd ORD JSW Energy Ltd 0.03%
INE019A01038 JSW Steel Ltd ORD JSW Steel Ltd 0.08%
KR7000270009 Kia Corp ORD Kia Corporation 0.18%
KYG525931039 Kinetic Development Group Ltd ORD Kinetic Development Group Ltd 0.00%
TRAKCHOL91Q8 Koc Holding AS ORD Koc Holding 0.05%
KR7047810007 Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd ORD Korea Aerospace Industries 0.04%
KR7015760002 Korea Electric Power Corp ORD Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) 0.05%
KR7005880000 Korea Line Corp ORD Korea Line Corp 0.00%
KR7036460004 KoreaGasCorp ORD Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS) 0.01%
KR7033780008 KT&G Corp ORD KT&G Corp. 0.10%
BMG5320C1082 Kunlun Energy Company Ltd ORD China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) 0.04%
INE498L01015 L&T Finance Ltd ORD Larsen & Toubro Ltd 0.01%
INE018A01030 Larsen and Toubro Ltd ORD Larsen & Toubro Ltd 0.31%

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