Informationen zum Fonds
Name CT (Lux) Global Corporate Bond AU USD
ISIN des Fonds LU1062005217
ISINs weiterer Anteilsklassen
  • LU1062006371
Typ des Fonds Anleihen
Fondsmanagement Threadneedle Management Luxembourg SA
Anlageberater Threadneedle Asset Management Limited
Kategorie ESG-Fonds (lt. Lipper)
Klassifizierung nach SFDR (lt. Lipper) Artikel 8
Abrufdatum 29.04.2024
Portfolio-Datum 31.12.2023
Anzahl Einzelpositionen 376
Gesamtvolumen des Fonds (in Mio €) 955,35
Gesamthöhe kontroverser Unternehmensbeteiligungen
Kontroverse Beteiligungen
ISIN Einzelposition im Fonds Unternehmen Konflikte Gewichtung im Fonds
US00108WAN02 AEP Texas Inc 3.45% 15-MAY-2051 American Electric Power Company Inc (AEP) 0.07%
US023135CR56 Inc 01-DEC-2032 Amazon 0.60%
XS2315784806 Apa Infrastructure Ltd 1.25% 15-MAR-2033 APA Group 0.36%
US00205GAD97 Apa Infrastructure Ltd 4.25% 15-JUL-2027 APA Group 0.28%
XS0858000606 Apa Infrastructure Ltd 4.25% 26-NOV-2024 APA Group 0.36%
XS2193661324 BP Capital Markets PLC 3.25% 25-JAN-2026 BP plc 0.24%
US05565QDU94 BP Capital Markets PLC 4.375% 01-JAN-4000 BP plc 0.27%
US15135UAX72 Cenovus Energy Inc 15-FEB-2052 Cenovus Energy Inc 0.09%
XS2488626883 Duke Energy Corp 15-JUN-2034 Duke Energy Corporation 0.41%
US26442EAK64 Duke Energy Ohio Inc 5.65% 01-APR-2053 Duke Energy Corporation 0.07%
XS0147048762 EOn International Finance BV 6.25% 03-JUN-2030 E.ON SE 0.47%
US373334KN09 Georgia Power Co 3.7% 30-JAN-2050 The Southern Company 0.04%
US454889AV81 Indiana Michigan Power Co 5.625% 01-APR-2053 American Electric Power Company Inc (AEP) 0.11%
US49456BAX91 Kinder Morgan Inc 01-JUN-2033 Kinder Morgan Inc 0.12%
US548661ER45 Lowe's Companies Inc 5.75% 01-JUL-2053 Lowe's Companies 0.20%
US548661EN31 Lowe's Companies Inc 5.8% 15-SEP-2062 Lowe's Companies 0.42%
XS2607040792 National Gas Transmission PLC 5.75% 05-APR-2035 National Grid plc 0.09%
XS2200513070 National Grid Electricity Transmission PLC .823% 07-JUL-2032 National Grid plc 0.57%
XS2200513153 National Grid Electricity Transmission PLC 1.125% 07-JUL-2028 National Grid plc 0.12%
XS2010045511 NGG Finance PLC 2.125% 05-SEP-2082 National Grid plc 0.29%
US65473PAL94 NiSource Inc 1.7% 15-FEB-2031 NiSource Inc 0.19%
US65473QBF90 NiSource Inc 4.375% 15-MAY-2047 NiSource Inc 0.13%
US65473QBC69 NiSource Inc 4.8% 15-FEB-2044 NiSource Inc 0.63%
US65473PAN50 NiSource Inc 5.25% 30-MAR-2028 NiSource Inc 0.12%
US65473PAP09 NiSource Inc 5.4% 30-JUN-2033 NiSource Inc 0.38%
US695114CT39 Pacificorp 4.125% 15-JAN-2049 Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company 0.22%
US720186AM78 Piedmont Natural Gas Company Inc 3.35% 01-JUN-2050 Duke Energy Corporation 0.05%
US720186AQ82 Piedmont Natural Gas Company Inc 5.4% 15-JUN-2033 Duke Energy Corporation 0.34%
US744448CY50 Public Service Company of Colorado 5.25% 01-APR-2053 Xcel Energy Inc 0.06%
XS1642641812 SGSP (Australia) Assets Pty Ltd 3.5% 07-JUL-2027 State Grid Corp of China (SGCC) 0.24%
US842434CT71 Southern California Gas Co 3.95% 15-FEB-2050 Sempra Energy 0.06%
XS2049090595 Vier Gas Transport GmbH .125% 10-SEP-2029 Vier Gas Holdings Sarl 0.03%
XS2049146215 Vier Gas Transport GmbH .5% 10-SEP-2034 Vier Gas Holdings Sarl 0.12%
XS1882681452 Vier Gas Transport GmbH 1.5% 25-SEP-2028 Vier Gas Holdings Sarl 0.13%
XS2535724772 Vier Gas Transport GmbH 4% 26-SEP-2027 Vier Gas Holdings Sarl 0.31%
XS2535725159 Vier Gas Transport GmbH 4.625% 26-SEP-2032 Vier Gas Holdings Sarl 0.43%
US969457BY52 Williams Companies Inc 2.6% 15-MAR-2031 The Williams Companies Inc 0.39%
US96949LAE56 Williams Companies Inc 4.85% 01-MAR-2048 The Williams Companies Inc 0.11%
US980236AQ66 Woodside Finance Ltd 4.5% 04-MAR-2029 Woodside Energy Group Ltd 0.67%

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Wir möchten auch noch einmal darauf hinweisen, dass insbesondere Fonds, deren Belastung mit 0% angegeben ist, dennoch in kontroverse Unternehmen investiert sein können, die unsere Quellen derzeit nicht abdecken.
Außerdem: Die Zusammensetzung der Fonds kann sich seit unserer letzten Aktualisierung verändert haben. Bitte beachten Sie dazu das jeweilige Portfolio-Datum!

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