Informationen zum Fonds
Name Vngrd FTSE All-Wld Hgh Div Yld UCITS ETF USD D
ISIN des Fonds IE00B8GKDB10
ISINs weiterer Anteilsklassen
  • IE00BK5BR626
Typ des Fonds ETF (Aktien)
Fondsmanagement Vanguard Group (Ireland) Limited
Klassifizierung nach SFDR (lt. Lipper) 6
Abrufdatum 16.12.2024
Portfolio-Datum 31.10.2024
Anzahl Einzelpositionen 2.142
Gesamtvolumen des Fonds (in Mio €) 5.656,01
Gesamthöhe kontroverser Unternehmensbeteiligungen
Kontroverse Beteiligungen
ISIN Einzelposition im Fonds Unternehmen Konflikte Gewichtung im Fonds
ES0173516115 Repsol SA ORD Repsol SA 0.05%
CA76131D1033 Restaurant Brands International Inc ORD Restaurant Brands International Inc 0.07%
DE0007030009 Rheinmetall AG ORD Rheinmetall 0.07%
AU000000RIO1 Rio Tinto Ltd ORD Rio Tinto Ltd 0.10%
GB0007188757 Rio Tinto PLC ORD Rio Tinto Ltd 0.22%
CNE100000W60 Rongsheng Petrochemical Co Ltd ORD Rongsheng Petrochemical Co Ltd 0.01%
US75513E1010 RTX Corp ORD RTX 0.52%
DE0007037129 RWE AG ORD RWE AG 0.07%
CNE000000TY6 SAIC Motor Corp Ltd ORD Saic Motor Corporation 0.00%
KR7005931001 Samsung Electronics Co Ltd Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 0.09%
KR7005930003 Samsung Electronics Co Ltd ORD Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 0.66%
AU000000STO6 Santos Ltd ORD Santos Ltd 0.05%
KYG781631059 Sany Heavy Equipment International Holdings Company Ltd ORD Sany Heavy Equipment International Holdings Co Ltd 0.00%
ZAE000006896 Sasol Ltd ORD Sasol Ltd 0.01%
SA14TG012N13 Saudi Arabian Oil Co ORD Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) 0.11%
SA0007879121 Saudi Basic Industries Corporation SJSC ORD Saudi Basic Industries Corp. 0.06%
SA0007879550 Saudi Electricity Company SJSC ORD Public Investment Fund (PIF) 0.01%
AN8068571086 Schlumberger NV ORD Schlumberger Ltd (SLB) 0.18%
CNE000000JM2 SDIC Power Holdings Co Ltd ORD State Development & Investment Corp Ltd 0.00%
JP3420600003 Sekisui House Ltd ORD Sekisui House Ltd. 0.04%
SG1R50925390 Sembcorp Industries Ltd ORD Sembcorp Industries Ltd 0.01%
PHY7628G1124 Semirara Mining and Power Corporation ORD DMCI Holdings Inc 0.00%
US8168511090 Sempra ORD Sempra Energy 0.17%
CNE100001T64 Shaanxi Coal Industry Co Ltd ORD Shaanxi Coal and Chemical Industry Group Co Ltd 0.01%
CNE000001FP1 Shan XI Hua Yang Group New Energy Co Ltd ORD Huayang New Material Technology Group Co Ltd 0.00%
CNE000001139 Shandong Nanshan Aluminium Co Ltd ORD Shandong Nanshan Aluminum Co Ltd 0.01%
CNE000001G53 SHANGHAI ELECTRIC POWER CO LTD ORD Shanghai Electric Power Co Ltd 0.00%
HK0363006039 Shanghai Industrial Holdings Ltd ORD Shanghai Industrial Holdings Ltd. 0.00%
CNE0000013Y5 Shanxi Coking Coal Energy Group Co Ltd ORD Shanxi Coking Coal Group Co Ltd 0.00%
CNE000001NT7 Shanxi LuAn Environmental Energy Dev Co Ltd ORD Lu'an Chemical Group Co Ltd 0.00%
GB00BP6MXD84 Shell PLC ORD Shell plc 0.68%
CNE0000005Q7 Shenergy Co Ltd ORD Shenergy (Group) Co Ltd 0.00%
CNE000000933 Shenzhen Energy Group Co Ltd ORD Shenzhen Energy Group Co Ltd 0.00%
JP3350800003 Shikoku Electric Power Co Inc ORD Shikoku Electric Power Co Inc 0.00%
TH0003010Z12 Siam Cement PCL ORD Siam Cement Group 0.01%
DE0007236101 Siemens AG ORD Siemens AG 0.47%
SG1F60858221 Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd ORD Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd. 0.02%
CNE100001NV2 Sinopec Engineering Group Co Ltd ORD China Petrochemical Corporation (Sinopec Group) 0.00%
HK3808041546 Sinotruk Hong Kong Ltd ORD Sinotruk HK 0.00%
KR7034730002 SK Inc ORD SK Inc 0.01%
IT0003153415 Snam SpA ORD Snam SpA 0.04%
JP3663900003 Sojitz Corp ORD Sojitz Corporation 0.01%
AU000000S320 South32 Ltd ORD South32 Ltd. 0.03%
US8425871071 Southern Co ORD The Southern Company 0.32%
SE0000171100 SSAB AB ORD SSAB AB 0.00%
GB0007908733 SSE PLC ORD SSE plc 0.08%
US8552441094 Starbucks Corp ORD Starbucks 0.36%
INE114A01011 Steel Authority of India Ltd ORD Steel Authority of India Ltd 0.01%
NL00150001Q9 Stellantis NV ORD Stellantis NV 0.09%
FI0009005961 Stora Enso Oyj ORD Stora Enso 0.02%

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Außerdem: Die Zusammensetzung der Fonds kann sich seit unserer letzten Aktualisierung verändert haben. Bitte beachten Sie dazu das jeweilige Portfolio-Datum!

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