Informationen zum Fonds
Name Vngrd FTSE All-Wld Hgh Div Yld UCITS ETF USD D
ISIN des Fonds IE00B8GKDB10
ISINs weiterer Anteilsklassen
  • IE00BK5BR626
Typ des Fonds ETF (Aktien)
Fondsmanagement Vanguard Group (Ireland) Limited
Klassifizierung nach SFDR (lt. Lipper) 6
Abrufdatum 16.12.2024
Portfolio-Datum 31.10.2024
Anzahl Einzelpositionen 2.142
Gesamtvolumen des Fonds (in Mio €) 5.656,01
Gesamthöhe kontroverser Unternehmensbeteiligungen
Kontroverse Beteiligungen
ISIN Einzelposition im Fonds Unternehmen Konflikte Gewichtung im Fonds
US2333311072 DTE Energy Co ORD DTE Energy Co 0.08%
AED001801011 Dubai Electricity and Water Authority PJSC ORD Dubai Electricity and Water Authority PJSC 0.02%
US26441C2044 Duke Energy Corp ORD Duke Energy Corporation 0.29%
DE000ENAG999 E On Se ORD E.ON SE 0.10%
COC04PA00016 Ecopetrol SA ORD Ecopetrol SA 0.01%
PTEDP0AM0009 Edp SA ORD EDP – Energias de Portugal SA (EDP Group) 0.04%
JP3551200003 Electric Power Development Co Ltd ORD J-POWER (Electric Power Development Co Ltd) 0.01%
TH0465010013 Electricity Generating PCL ORD Electricity Generating Public Company Ltd (EGCO) 0.00%
ES0130960018 Enagas SA ORD Enagas SA 0.01%
CA29250N1050 Enbridge Inc ORD Enbridge Inc 0.28%
ES0130670112 Endesa SA ORD Enel SpA 0.02%
IT0003128367 Enel SpA ORD Enel SpA 0.19%
JP3386450005 ENEOS Holdings Inc ORD ENEOS Holdings Inc 0.05%
FR0010208488 Engie SA ORD Engie SA 0.04%
IT0003132476 Eni SpA ORD Eni SpA 0.11%
CNE000000DG7 ENN Natural Gas Co Ltd ORD ENN Natural Gas Co Ltd 0.00%
US29364G1031 Entergy Corp ORD Entergy Corporation 0.11%
US26875P1012 EOG Resources Inc ORD EOG Resources Inc 0.23%
NO0010096985 Equinor ASA ORD Equinor ASA 0.06%
SE0009922164 Essity AB (publ) ORD Essity 0.05%
TW0002603008 Evergreen Marine Corp Taiwan Ltd ORD Evergreen Marine Corp Taiwan Ltd 0.02%
US30034W1062 Evergy Inc ORD Evergy Inc 0.04%
US30161N1019 Exelon Corp ORD Exelon Corp. 0.13%
ZAE000084992 Exxaro Resources Ltd ORD Exxaro Resources Ltd 0.01%
US30231G1022 Exxon Mobil Corp ORD Exxon Mobil Corporation 1.69%
TW0001402006 Far Eastern New Century Corp ORD Far Eastern New Century 0.01%
BMG348041077 First Pacific Co Ltd ORD First Pacific Company Ltd 0.00%
US3379321074 FirstEnergy Corp ORD FirstEnergy Corp 0.08%
US3453708600 Ford Motor Co ORD Ford Motor Company 0.13%
TW0001326007 Formosa Chemicals and Fibre Corp ORD Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corporation 0.01%
TW0006505001 Formosa Petrochemical Corp ORD Formosa Petrochemical Corporation (FPCC) 0.01%
TW0001301000 Formosa Plastics Corp ORD Formosa Plastics Corporation 0.02%
AU000000FMG4 Fortescue Ltd ORD Fortescue Ltd 0.06%
CA3495531079 Fortis Inc ORD Fortis Inc 0.07%
FI0009007132 Fortum Oyj ORD Fortum Oyj 0.02%
INE129A01019 Gail (India) Ltd ORD GAIL (India) Ltd 0.02%
PTGAL0AM0009 Galp Energia SGPS SA ORD Galp Energia SGPS SA 0.02%
CNE000000PC0 Gd Power Development Co Ltd ORD CHN ENERGY Investment Group Co Ltd 0.00%
KYG3777B1032 Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd ORD Geely 0.03%
US3695501086 General Dynamics Corp ORD General Dynamics 0.26%
US3703341046 General Mills Inc ORD General Mills Inc. 0.12%
MYL3182OO002 Genting Bhd ORD Genting Bhd 0.01%
JE00B4T3BW64 Glencore PLC ORD Glencore PLC 0.21%
MXP370841019 Grupo Mexico SAB de CV ORD Grupo México, S.A.B de C.V. 0.05%
KR7078930005 GS Holdings ORD GS Holdings Corp 0.00%
GB00BN7SWP63 GSK plc ORD GlaxoSmithKline Plc 0.23%
CNE0000012G4 Guanghui Energy Co Ltd ORD Guanghui Energy Co Ltd 0.00%
SE0000106270 H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB ORD H&M 0.03%
KR700088K015 Hanwha Corp ORD Hanwha Aerospace Co. Ltd. 0.00%
KR7267250009 HD Hyundai Co Ltd ORD HD Hyundai Co Ltd 0.01%

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Wir möchten auch noch einmal darauf hinweisen, dass insbesondere Fonds, deren Belastung mit 0% angegeben ist, dennoch in kontroverse Unternehmen investiert sein können, die unsere Quellen derzeit nicht abdecken.
Außerdem: Die Zusammensetzung der Fonds kann sich seit unserer letzten Aktualisierung verändert haben. Bitte beachten Sie dazu das jeweilige Portfolio-Datum!

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