Name | Goldman Sachs Glo CORE® Eq Base USD (Snap) |
ISIN des Fonds | LU0203365449 |
ISINs weiterer Anteilsklassen |
Typ des Fonds | Aktien |
Fondsmanagement | Goldman Sachs Asset Management BV |
Anlageberater | Goldman Sachs Asset Management International |
Kategorie | ESG-Fonds (lt. Lipper) |
Klassifizierung nach SFDR (lt. Lipper) | 8 |
Abrufdatum | 16.12.2024 |
Portfolio-Datum | 30.09.2024 |
Anzahl Einzelpositionen | 338 |
Gesamtvolumen des Fonds (in Mio €) | 4.631,23 |
Gesamthöhe kontroverser Unternehmensbeteiligungen |
ISIN | Einzelposition im Fonds | Unternehmen | Konflikte | Gewichtung im Fonds |
US0231351067 | Inc ORD | Amazon | 2.71% | |
US0236081024 | Ameren Corp ORD | Ameren Corporation | 0.03% | |
DK0010244425 | AP Moeller - Maersk A/S ORD | A.P. Moller (Maersk) | 0.12% | |
US0378331005 | Apple Inc ORD | Apple Inc | 5.45% | |
GB0006731235 | Associated British Foods PLC ORD | Associated British Foods Plc | 0.03% | |
US0846707026 | Berkshire Hathaway Inc ORD | Berkshire Hathaway Inc. | 0.86% | |
US0556221044 | BP ADR EACH REPSTNG SIX ORD | BP plc | 0.31% | |
US05605H1005 | BWX Technologies Inc ORD | BWX Technologies Inc. | 0.01% | |
US1667641005 | Chevron Corp ORD | Chevron Corporation | 0.13% | |
US6742152076 | Chord Energy Corp ORD | Chord Energy Corporation | 0.25% | |
US17275R1023 | Cisco Systems Inc ORD | Cisco Systems Inc. | 0.54% | |
US20825C1045 | ConocoPhillips ORD | ConocoPhillips | 0.74% | |
US22160K1051 | Costco Wholesale Corp ORD | Costco Wholesale Corporation | 1.53% | |
JP3505000004 | Daiwa House Industry Co Ltd ORD | Daiwa House Group | 0.07% | |
US25179M1036 | Devon Energy Corp ORD | Devon Energy Corporation | 0.19% | |
US35671D8570 | Freeport-McMoRan Inc ORD | Freeport-McMoRan Inc. | 0.10% | |
JP3854600008 | Honda Motor Co Ltd ORD | Honda Motor Co. Ltd. | 0.02% | |
US4464131063 | Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc ORD | HII | 0.27% | |
US4781601046 | Johnson & Johnson ORD | Johnson & Johnson | 1.49% | |
US4943681035 | Kimberly-Clark Corp ORD | Kimberly-Clark Group | 0.07% | |
NO0003043309 | Kongsberg Gruppen ASA ORD | Kongsberg Gruppen | 0.15% | |
FR0000120073 | L'Air Liquide Societe Anonyme pour l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procedes Georges Claude SA ORD | lAir Liquide SA | 0.20% | |
US5218652049 | Lear Corp ORD | Lear Corp. | 0.42% | |
US5486611073 | Lowe's Companies Inc ORD | Lowe's Companies | 0.22% | |
US55616P1049 | Macy's Inc ORD | Macy's | 0.03% | |
US56585A1025 | Marathon Petroleum Corp ORD | Marathon Petroleum Corporation | 0.08% | |
GB0031274896 | Marks and Spencer Group PLC ORD | Marks & Spencer Group | 0.14% | |
US5949181045 | Microsoft Corp ORD | Microsoft Corporation | 4.91% | |
JP3362700001 | Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Ltd ORD | Mitsui OSK Lines Ltd | 0.47% | |
DE000A0D9PT0 | MTU Aero Engines AG ORD | MTU Aero Engines | 0.05% | |
GB00BDR05C01 | National Grid PLC ORD | National Grid plc | 0.11% | |
CH0038863350 | Nestle SA ORD | Nestlé SA | 0.49% | |
GB0032089863 | Next PLC ORD | Next | 0.03% | |
JP3735400008 | Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp ORD | NTT Group | 0.31% | |
US69047Q1022 | Ovintiv Inc ORD | Ovintiv Inc | 0.15% | |
US6937181088 | Paccar Inc ORD | PACCAR Inc. | 0.12% | |
US7185461040 | Phillips 66 ORD | Phillips 66 | 0.06% | |
US7427181091 | Procter & Gamble Co ORD | Procter & Gamble Co. | 0.71% | |
US7512121010 | Ralph Lauren Corp ORD | Ralph Lauren Corporation | 0.02% | |
GB00B2B0DG97 | RELX PLC ORD | RELX Group | 0.06% | |
GB00B63H8491 | Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC ORD | Rolls Royce Holdings plc | 0.36% | |
FR0000073272 | Safran SA ORD | Safran SA | 0.72% | |
AN8068571086 | Schlumberger NV ORD | Schlumberger Ltd (SLB) | 0.09% | |
DE0007236101 | Siemens AG ORD | Siemens AG | 0.14% | |
DE000ENER6Y0 | Siemens Energy AG ORD | Siemens Energy AG | 0.16% | |
US8305661055 | Skechers USA Inc ORD | Skechers USA Inc. | 0.38% | |
JP3663900003 | Sojitz Corp ORD | Sojitz Corporation | 0.06% | |
SE0000171100 | SSAB AB ORD | SSAB AB | 0.05% | |
US87612E1064 | Target Corp ORD | Target Corporation | 1.12% | |
US88160R1014 | Tesla Inc ORD | Tesla | 0.84% |
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